HGSSC Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting of the Membership for the Historical and Genealogical Society of Somerset County. Join us for a historical program and hear updates about what's going on at the Somerset Historical Center. Refreshments followed by a membership meeting to elect officers for the HGSSC Board of Directors. Admission is FREE and open to the public, you do NOT need to be a Historical Society member to attend.
Featuring a presentation by Brady J. Crytzer, author of the book The Whiskey Rebellion: A Distilled History of an American Crisis
About the Author
Brady J. Crytzer teaches history at Robert Morris University. A specialist in the Imperial History of North America, Crytzer is the host of the weekly hit podcast Dispatches: The Podcast of the Journal of the American Revolution. His work has been featured in the Journal of the American Revolution, Pennsylvania Heritage, Game News, and Muzzleloader Magazine. He is the author of “Battlefield Pennsylvania: A Guide to the Keystone State’s Most Sacred Ground” (2018).